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Technology Partners

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Recluta Talenthunter


Location: Costa Rica, USA
Year established: 2012
Number of Employees: 10
Annual % Exports: 20%
Markets served: United States & Canada

about us

At Recluta, our delivery is world class and in just few working days. We mapped out the Costa Rican market and well trained bilingual staff, understand the IT terminology and personalities. Our fees are highly competitive, with warranty and a whole robust process of how the market works, wages and conditions for an effective hiring decision.


We help companies in the IT sector succeed by finding, negotiating and capturing the right talent for their projects, from Costa Rica. We’ve been supporting staff augmentation projects in Costa Rica for US/Canada companies incline to recruit local IT talent.


We have served many global clients like Fujitsu, Prodigious, National Instruments, ENCORE,  Barkawi Genpact, DotCms, GTF, Cyber Q6, Sykes, Amazon, Ex2Code, Roche, Procter & Gamble, Dentons, Convergys and Concentrix.

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Headcount Size: 50 to 100
Services: BPO - Business process outsourcing
Capital: Mixed

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